Best Text Messages
Best Text Messages
God can reach each falling tears. He sees the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear. Don't ever give up coz He is near.
Live life w/ a joyful heart & keep ur spirit young & free! Stay true & firm to Jesus Christ! And b d best that u can b! Take care!
One missed call, no one answered. Missed 1: JESUS. But HE will never stop calling, no matter how many tyms u missed HIS calls.. till u hear & answer. Jesus Loves You.
God created mornings so that we can say how great d previous day has bin & how wonderful d next 24hrs would be!
Sunrise makes our mornings beautiful but d words of God strengthen us & make our lives more meaningful. Smile & enjoy life!
Everything in life is temporary coz everything changes! That's why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime… but having the faith it'll last forever!
I go to EAST, i go to WEST, i found so many good things, but God is the BEST.
No one has traveled d road of success w/o ever crossing d street of failures. GOD never promsd us an easy journey in life, only safe arrival.
Funny how money can look so big when you take it to church, and so small when you take it to the store.
Prayer is the key that opens your day to every blessing. It also is a lock that closes the night to keep u safe while sleeping. So what you have to do is "use your key all the time."
Its not how high u build ur dream dat makes a difference, but how high ur faith can climb. It's not how much u accomplish but how many lives u touch…
It's not the Presence of someone that brings meaning to Life. But the way Someone touches your HEART gives LIFE a Beautiful Meaning.
The Lord is waiting above to give u His grace and send u His love whatever your cross, whatever the pain. God always sends a rainbow after the rain.
To be strong one should have faith in one's self and must trust in one's own strength, it takes a strong heart to overcome every hardship that'll come. But, what is important is to have a good soul that will uplift not only one's self but also someone else's soul… Have faith in yourself and believe…
GOD made u a promise that you wont have to face life alone…for when you grow weak in your struggles, HIS STRENGTH will prevail and not your own.
Life has its own way of making us smile especially at tyms u wanna give up n lose hope but certain surprises come ur way juz wen u thought ud never smile agen…..
Journey to God starts with one small step at a time, He doesn't expect you to run the mile — but HE promises to give you strength to go the distance.
A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless…
No mater how softly u whisper a prayr,God surely listens,undrstnds & knows dhopes & fears u kip in ur heart,4 wen u TRUST in HIS Love, MIRACLES happen!
Morning PRayer: I'll walk this day in faith dear Lord, no foe, no storm i'll fear, but trusting in your precious word, i'm safe for You are near.
Never a weakness that He can't fill, Never a sickness that He can't heal, Never a sorrow that He dsn't share, moment by moment- you are under Jesus care.
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