Philippine Population Reaches 100 million
The Philippine population is poised to exceed the 100-million mark by 2014, joining the list of 12 most populous countries in the world.
According to the latest estimate, the Philippines is the 12th most populous country on the planet with 98.4 million as of September 2013. This means that Filipinos represent 1.38 percent of the world population.
The Philippine population is expected to exceed the 100-million mark by 2014 and is forecast to reach 103.7 million, based on medium assumption, by 2015, 111.8 million by 2020, 128.1 million by 2030 and 141.7 million by 2040, according to the National Statistics Office (NSO).
"The Philippine population would continue to grow, increasing from 76.5 million, as of the latest population census conducted in May 2000, to 141.7 million in 2040, according to the Medium Series of the 2000 Census-based population projections," the NSO says.
Population density in the Philippines was estimated at 313 people per square kilometer of land area. The Philippines has a land area of over 300,000 square kilometers.
By 2014, the Philippines will join the ranks of countries with a population of at least 100 million.
As of 2012, China had 1.34 billion population, followed by India with 1.2 billion; the United States with $313.8 million; Indonesia with 248.6 million; and Brazil with 193.9 million.
Other countries with a population of at least 100 million are Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Japan and Mexico.
In the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Philippines is now the second most populated country, behind Indonesia. It is more populous than Vietnam, which had 88.78 million people as of 2012.
Globally, the human population exceeded 7 billion on 31 October 2011, according to the United Nations Population Fund.
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