Nat Geo Earth Day Run did away with disposable water cups
The organizers of the annual Nat Geo Earth Day Run, one of the most anticipated and largest running events around the world, did away with previous practice of using disposable water plastics to hydrate thousands of runners when they held its Philippine segment at Mall of Asia Complex in Pasay City on April 22, 2018.
More than 15,000 runners joined four races—the fun run category three kilometers, five kilometers, 10 kilometers and 21 kilometers of half a marathon during the National Geographic Earth Day Run Year 9 in the Philippines.
“Disposable plastics won't be allowed in the race route and race village,” the organizer of the Philippine event—RunRio Inc. said prior to the big event. Runrio launched the #NotPlastic campaign.
True enough, several water stations along the race route only had cold water and ice to give to race participants who were provided with their own water bottles, whose cost was incorporated in the joining fee.
The organizers told the so-called eco warriors or race participants to bring their own water bottle prior to the day of the run, which started as early as 4 a.m. for the 21k event. Nat Geo, which started as a magazine and is now a full media company with cable channels, said the race is about reducing plastic footprint one step at a time.
Previous races in the Philippines, including the ones spearheaded by Nat Geo, have earned criticism from environmentalists for generating a lot of plastic wastes, including disposable water cups used and thrown to the streets by race participants.
Nat Geo Run, which began holding the annual race in 2009, lived up to its theme this year of helping preserve the planet through the collective running phenomenon.
Nat Geo said that by paying for the race, the runners contribute to saving the planet.
22 April 2018
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