Thanksgiving Text Messages
May you find joy to give, and me the gratitude to thank you for the gift! Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s nice being appreciated, but it’s even better being loved. Thank you then for loving me.
Once a year, we remember that all blessings come from God and that we should share them to those who receive little because we have too much. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
The best reward is not a plaque, but from someone who gives thanks.
All I have is a thankful heart, for all the blessings given by God and for all the joy that family and friends impart.
The smile on my face doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate all that I have been blessed with.
Giving starts a thousand ripples, of respect, kindness and gratitude.
Who does not thank for little will not thank for much. – Estonian Poverb
We find it easy to ask for favors but difficult to thank. May this Thanksgiving give you more reasons to thank God each day!
Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart. – Seneca
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