Christmas Greetings 12
May Jesus find a dwelling place in your heart. Have a meaningful and truly joyful Christmas!
Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone. May you continue to be blessed and be a blessing to everyone. God bless us all! 🙂
God's hand is always upon you, touching your life with joy, blessing your heart with love and comforting your soul with peace and prosperity. GOD bless your family this season. Merry Christmas!
Let the message of Christ, His love and Salvation light your way this joyous season with love, peace and more blessings… Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
JeSUs is the MäiN rEas0n for thE sEÄSÖn…MErRÝ ChRiStMÄS and God bless us all.
Wishing you a peaceful Christmas full of the most important things. Happy Holidays!
In the world where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. GOD always loves you beyond words, time and distance. MERRY CHRISTMAS & GOD BLESS!
May this Christmas bring lots of happiness. Wishing all a season filled with bliss, enriched with love and glittering with success. Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas everyone! May peace be your gift and your blessing all year through.
Nothing beats Christmas spent at home with family. Thank you for a life changing 2011 Jesus. I've always felt your love and presence in each moment through friends, family, and people who've been part of your plan. THANK YOU for the unconditional love.
Here's wishing you all and your families peace and prosperity this Christmas! May the Lord send you His abundant blessings!
Christmas: A time to reflect, a time to remember, a time to enjoy and be happy. Merry Christmas to all…Happy Birthday Lord Jesus Christ!
Seeing Christmas in the eyes of my children, the innocence, excitement that I wish we all still had, the appreciation for even the littlest things, reminded me of the true spirit of this season. May you see Christmas too, through the eyes of every child!
Now is a good time as any to say, once more, thank you very much for your gift of love, laughter, comfort, joy and friendship… may this Christmas be more meaningful for all of us, and the coming new year, more productive, more bountiful!
They say Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money. Hope everyone stayed within their budget.
Wish you A Merry Christmas, May the Joys of the season, Fill your heart with goodwill and cheer. May the chimes of Christmas glory add up more shine and spread smiles across the miles, To-day & In the New Year.
Even with this bittersweet feeling, I share with you one of my favorite Christmas songs… A warm hug for those in the cold, a hand to those with heavy burden, a prayer for those in the dark, love to everyone.
The Heart remembers all special moments when goodness makes a difference. May the love you share with others return to you in countless ways. Merry Christmas!
My wish for you is to be happy, healthy, WEALTHY and wise – Merry Christmas and a PROSPEROUS 2012!
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. – Charles Dickens
This is a different Christmas for us this year, simpler than simple yet more meaningful than ever. But as with all our Christmases past, it is blessed and joyful. Happy holidays!
There is a lot about Christmas that the world doesn’t know, doesn’t want to know or conveniently forgets in its pursuit of pleasure, possessions and power. And that is, that the “Christ” in Christmas was a person, fully human and Son of God, demanding an end to greed and exploitation.
Let us pause, in the hustle and bustle of this season, and reflect the true meaning of Christmas. The birth of Christ who will save us from our sin and eternal damnation. May we truly build on the love and sacrifices He gave us so that we may have a better life. He showed us humility so that we too will be humble.
As Yule season comes 2 our midst…May God grant u d strength n faith 2 count ur blessings, not ur crosses; count ur gains not ur losses. Count ur joys not ur woes; Count ur friends not ur foes. Count ur smiles not ur tears; Count ur courage not ur fears. Count ur full years not ur lean; Count ur kind deeds not ur mean. Count ur health not ur wealth; & love ur neighbor as much as urself. Hav a Solemn Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
May this commemoration of our Savior's birth bring all the blessings & graces to you & your family. Merry Christmas.
In this world, Someone stands behind; silently loving us; reaching out a hand when we've fallen; encouraging us when we're tested & in fear; understanding us when no one does; pointing us the light when we are in the dark…God deserves a pause.. a hug..a thank you..because we are wrapped in a beautiful truth that…"WE ARE LOVED WITHOUT MEASURE." Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!
It's been a year since last year and now its x-mas time again. I believe my blessings r meeting, knowing and having a friend and family like. I praise the Lord and thanking him 4 everythg. Jesus christ b-day means happiness, blessings, health, abundance and salvation may b wth u, ur faimily and love ones. My personal greetings merry Christmas.
There were hundreds of YESTERDAYS that passed & more TOMORROWS still to come. But there's only one TODAY to enjoy. May u have the BEST day today! FEEL GOD in every gentle touch. SEE GOD in every happy face. HEAR GOD in every caring word, & Be thankful for God's amazing grace! Merry Christmas.
ChRisTmAs is jz fEw hRs aWaY. I jz wAnNa makE sUrE mY grEetingS rEacHeS u b4 we aLL gEt buSy. my warmest and MERRiest greetings ds season, merry CHRisTMAs and ProDUcTIve new year.. .MaY God bLeSs u & uR faMiLy.
There's a miracle called friendship that dwells within the heart… You don't know how it happens or how it starts… But the joy it brings always gives you a SPECIAL LIFT, and you realize that FRIENDSHIP IS ACTUALLY GOD'S GIFT! A beautiful and blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones!
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