Fathers Day Greetings
What role can be greater than a father? Fathers portray being kind all the time on a lifetime.
Our father worked day and night, so that we their children can play and have the best in life. Happy fathers day dad!
Dad, my father, my friend, my teacher, and my hero. Thanks for your guidance and for being excited as you see me grow.
Nobody has been so sweet, like my father who consoles me in defeat. Nobody has been so kind, like my dad who picks me up when I stumble. Nobody has been so true, like my father who says I love you.
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when it’s empty. Happy Fathers Day.
“Any human can be a parents, but it takes someone special to be called mom/dad”. ^_
To my dear father, wishing yah all good health and abundant blessings so that you may continue with all the house chores, errands and provide for the never ending bills! 🙂
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful fathers in the whole world :-)! God bless!
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. – Jim Valvano
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. – 1 John 3:1
Thanks for being there through the tears,laughter and dirty diapers.
The greatest thing a FATHER can do to his children, is to love their mother. – Anjaneth Garcia Untalan
Happy Father’s Day! Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father’s Day
You taught me how to dance, not only to the music, but also to the swings of life. You taught me how to sing, not only with beautiful tunes, but also with your calm and guiding voice. So, on this Fathers Day, let us sing and dance, to celebrate not only the melody, but also this life with the best dad in the world!
I am happy to report to you sir, that all the lessons I had to suffer, have taught me to become stronger. You did all that for me father, because I know you care. Thank you and Happy Fathers Day.
For all the fun that I have experienced, all the lessons that I have learned, and all the love that I have felt, thank you dad for sharing them with me. Happy Fathers Day!
You have cared for me since I was a baby, sang for me lullabies to put me to sleep, nurtured and cared for me and protected me from harm. You have seen me grow into a lady, and guided me in my decisions in life. Now that I am a grown woman, I still remember all the things you did for me. Thank you papa for everything, Happy Fathers Day!
As a child, I ran to you whenever I had a problem. You were always there to comfort me and assure me things were going to be fine. Growing up you still guided me and taught me right from wrong and always supported my every endeavor. And I started to believe in myself. For all of these, I am forever grateful. Thank you for guiding me through life. Happy Father’s Day!
When I was young, we always had fun together. You were by my side reading to me and teaching me new games. Growing up, you were still there guiding me through life. But this time life is no longer a game, yet you’re still with me to support my every decision. Thank you dad for all your support. Happy Father’s Day!
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. I’m glad to have u dad, Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day is a very special day. Here’s a great hug and lots of kisses too. Each one says I love you!
One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. – George Herbert
Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys. – Author Unknown
My dad and I-we think alike, He knows just what I mean, Before I even say a word, He reads well in between.
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. – Jim Valvano
The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad!
Train up a child in the way which he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Dad, you’re someone to look up to no matter how tall I’ve grown. – Author Unknown
Happy, Happy Father’s Day! No one has a father so sweet. Your kind ways just can’t be beat. Happy Happy Father’s Day; I love you in a big, big, big way!
He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. – Clarence Budington Kelland
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. – Johann Schiller
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. – Enid Bagnold
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. – Theodore Hesburgh
A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
You taught me how to dance, not only to the music, but also to the swings of life. You taught me how to sing, not only with beautiful tunes, but also with your calm and guiding voice. So, on this Fathers Day, let us sing and dance, to celebrate not only the melody, but also this life with the best dad in the world!
I am happy to report to you sir, that all the lessons I had to suffer, have taught me to become stronger. You did all that for me father, because I know you care. Thank you and Happy Fathers Day.
Fathers are unsung heroes. Our mothers are always walking beside us, but our fathers are always looking our back, to see that we are both fine.
For all the fun that I have experienced, all the lessons that I have learned, and all the love that I have felt, thank you dad for sharing them with me. Happy Fathers Day!
You have cared for me since I was a baby, sang for me lullabies to put me to sleep, nurtured and cared for me and protected me from harm. You have seen me grow into a lady, and guided me in my decisions in life. Now that I am a grown woman, I still remember all the things you did for me. Thank you papa for everything, Happy Fathers Day!
As a child, I ran to you whenever I had a problem. You were always there to comfort me and assure me things were going to be fine. Growing up you still guided me and taught me right from wrong and always supported my every endeavor. And I started to believe in myself. For all of these, I am forever grateful. Thank you for guiding me through life. Happy Father's Day!
When I was young, we always had fun together. You were by my side reading to me and teaching me new games. Growing up, you were still there guiding me through life. But this time life is no longer a game, yet you're still with me to support my every decision. Thank you dad for all your support. Happy Father's Day!
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