Open Internet in the Philippines

Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT) has signed an agreement with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to establish fiber optic facilities that will link PLDT to the government internet exchange, Philippine Open Internet Exchange (PHOpenIX). 

Through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed by DOST and PLDT officials, PLDT will provide optical fiber connectivity from the PHOpenIX headquarters in Quezon City to the new node that will be setup inside PLDT’s VITRO Data Center in Pasig City. 

Once activated, these facilities will allow DOST to operate PHOpenIX simultaneously from three different locations, thereby further improving the resiliency of the government internet exchange and provide PLDT subscribers better, faster access to government websites hosted in PHOpenIX. 

PLDT is the leading telecommunications service provider in the Philippines. Through its principal business groups – fixed line, wireless and others – PLDT offers a wide range of telecommunications services across the Philippines’ most extensive fiber optic backbone and fixed line and cellular networks.


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